Release notes for OVT version 2.0

April 20, 2001

This release of OVT represents significant progress since version 1.0. We had many feedbacks from our users, which resulted in major revisions of both user interface and performance/behaviour of scientific modules. These improvements, together with many new features make this release an exceptionally good support tool for space data analysis, and in particular for the CLUSTER project. Link to OVT is placed also on ESA Cluster homepage (under Cluster location).

User interface

View controls give more control on the visualization window in addition to standard mouse manipulation. The user can define the viewer position (from different axes, perpendicular to orbit, etc.) and the focal point (Earth, satellite, ground station), which is continuously kept in the centre of the graphics scene.

Color and size customisation is now possible to most objects with a property editor.

New objects as plot captions, orbit labels, the Sun, and ground-based stations can now be added to the plot.

Saving and restoring of the scene is possible through File-> Save Settings.../ Load Settings menu.

Time settings dialog is completely rewritten. It is very flexible and easy to use.

Orbit monitor is improved and some bugs are fixed. Magnitude of magnetic field is now included, all displayed units are customisable. Exporting data facility (Dumper) is now included in Orbit Monitor, with possibility of setting quantities and formats to export.

Orbital files supplied with distribution now is limited to Cluster, Polar and Fast in order to speedup startup and reduce package size. Updated and orbital files for other satellites can be found at our download page or from the sites listed in the links section of OVT homepage.

Data editor is updated and includes possibilities to export/import activity files.

Scientific modules

Global Electrostatic potentials (model of D. R. Weimer, GRL, v. 23, 2549, 1996) can be nowincluded in the plot.

Orbit calculation and fieldline tracing are optimised to improve performance.

Impact of Activity file on graphical objects is revised.

OVT2 was tested on FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris x86 and Sparc, and Windows 98, 2000, NT.

Submission of bugs and possible improvements is welcome. Please send e-mail to

Copyright © 2000,2001, OVT Team. All rights reserved.
Maintained by Yuri Khotyaintsev (

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